Medication Bundling: One Delivery for All Your Prescriptions

Sep 13, 2022


Alto Pharmacy

If you’re managing a chronic health condition — or multiple conditions — you’re probably familiar with the hassle of filling multiple medications. Not only is it inconvenient to track different refill dates throughout any given month, it makes it much more difficult to prioritize your health, with the potential for missed doses.

To make it as convenient as possible to stay on track with treatment, Alto offers a free medication bundling service that lets you receive all your medications in a single, recurring delivery.

Medication bundling builds on other tools in the Alto app like auto refills and medication reminders to take the hassle out of living your healthiest life. And like everything at Alto, it bridges innovation with industry-leading care to deliver an exceptional pharmacy experience that puts you first.

While some traditional retail pharmacies offer a similar service, they often require you to do the legwork of coordinating with your doctor and insurance. (Not to mention that there’s the additional inconvenience of traveling to the pharmacy and waiting in line.)

At Alto, it’s a whole lot simpler. The entire process takes place in the app, and if your medications are eligible*, we can organize your bundle within seconds.

How bundling works

We’ll get you started with synchronized refills and bundled deliveries in four simple steps.

1. If you have multiple prescriptions on file with Alto that qualify for bundling, you will be automatically prompted to bundle your medications when you log into the Alto app and we’ll sync your refills. (Have prescriptions at other pharmacies? Transfer them to Alto so we can add them to your refill schedule!)

Step 1: How bundling works

2. We’ll ask you to confirm your medication list and current supply. Let us know if any of your medications are taken on an as-needed basis, or if any are urgently needed.

Step 2: How bundling works

3. We’ll create a custom timeline for your synchronized refills. Depending on your insurance coverage, this may be once a month or up to every three months. If needed, we’ll schedule a partial fill upfront to avoid a delay in your treatment while we align your refills.

Step 3: How bundling works

4. We’ll schedule all refills into a single delivery on your behalf and reach out on a recurring basis when your order is ready for delivery. As always, you’ll pick the delivery window that works best for your schedule.

Step 4: How bundling works

Let’s bundle your medications

Ready for one easy delivery? Transfer your prescriptions to Alto to start the medication bundling process today.

*Medication bundling is not available for some medications. In addition, some insurance plans may limit automatic refills.

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